- Personal Information (name, address, telephone number)
- work history – (the name of the company and how long you worked there)
- Marital status
- Addresses of where you worked
- Hobbies and interests
- References.
"Your level of belief in yourself will inevitably manifest itself in whatever you do."
“Let your resume speak for you,
use words that matter”
Companies spend billions of dollars each year to advertise their products. Without any look at the previous market impact of the product, it is continuously promoted by putting huge investments. Around the world, television programmes do not run without commercials (source of revenue generating), and sporting events are delayed in order for the viewers to receive ‘a message from our sponsor’.
“Position yourself as the no.1 candidate.
Let the competition work to keep pace with you!”
Rule 1 - Perfection Is Mandatory
Visual display and perfection are crucial! The quality and standard of your resume presentation is almost as vital as the material it contains. Quality catches the attention of the reader and will instantly give you an edge over your competitors.
“Do not hire a man who does your work for money,
but him who does it for love of it.”
In the previous articles I discussed a competitive resume, how to write objectives, professional experience and this article will focus on the education, professional & community affiliations, publications, personal information and other sections of the resume.